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Volume 제4집   (발행일 : 2008.12.23)
Title 사51:1-16에 나타난 창조 모티브와 시온
Authors 김창대
Institutions 안양대학교
Abstract This work is a synchronic approach to the text of Isa 51:1-16 from the perspective of the text-linguistic method. This work started with the finding that Isa 51:1-16 constitutes a coherent whole when the passage begins and ends with the creation motif. More specifically, the semantic focus of the literary unit of Isa 51:1-16 is on the restoration of Zion through the servant of Yahweh; and the promise of the future Zion is expressed by the creation motif at the beginning and end of the unit. With regard to the meaning and function of the use of the creation motif within the unit of Isa 51:1-16, there is a diversity of opinions among Isaiah scholars. At the one extreme, a view is presented that the employment of the creation motif in the context of Isaiah 51 has its function of putting into remarkable relief a creative power of Yahweh’s salvation for his people in the future. In a nutshell, the use of the creation motif plays a subsidiary role in highlighting the certainty of Israel’s salvation. This kind of view, however, does not do justice to the role of the creation motif. It smacks of an overstatement of the power of redemption as opposed over against creation. At the other extreme, creation and history (or redemption) are viewed as having their distinct realms and at the same time involving this world. In this perspective, it follows that the creation motif in Isa 51:1-16 is employed to express Yahweh’s sovereignty over creation and redemption. One of the weaknesses of this position is that it does not provide a sufficient explanation concerning the relationship between creation and the redemption of Zion in the unit of Isa 51:1-16 as a coherent whole. This work has attempted a consistent explanation of the relationship between the creation motif and the future restoration of Zion. Then the assumption is that the creation motif in Isa 51:1-16 is semantically coherent and functionally congruous. The unit of Isa 51:1-16 contains several creation motifs, ranging from a dismantling of the created order, to Yahweh’s power as creator for Israel’s salvation, and to a new creation. In an effort to integrate the multiple usages of the creation motif, this work has come up with the proposal that the use of the creation motif suggests a theological theme that creation and history should be viewed as being in a mutual relationship. That is, creation is influenced by human rebelliousness and redemption in history; and history is also influenced by creation in a way that creation can substantiate its created order in history through the creation of Israel.
Keyword 창조, 구원, 시온, 역사, 종말 Creation, Salvation, Zion, History, Eschaton
Page p.61~p89
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한국복음주의 구약신학회 (비영리 단체 고유번호 215-82-77164) / (14028) 경기 안양시 만안구 삼덕로37번길 22(안양동) 안양대학교    
대표전화 : (031)467-0942     전자우편 : kimcd36@anyang.ac.kr (김창대 교수)
학술지 구약논집 편집국 / (17157) 경기도 용인시 처인구 양지면 학촌로 110, 총신대학교    
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